Altura de la planta: de 10 a 15 cm
Contenedor: Cepellón
Nombre científico: cupressus sempervirens l.Común: ciprés común .Hasta los 30 m.
Este tipo de ciprés es el más utilizado para vallar y para hacer setos.
Al crecer las ramas en vertical precisa menos poda.
Crecimiento rápido en los primeros años.Como cortavientos.
- Los cipreses se envian sin bandeja
- Se envian tumbados en cajas
- Si desea que se envien en bandeja tendrá un sobrecoste. Solicite presupuesto.
Política de seguridad (editar con el módulo Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)
Política de envío (editar con el módulo Información de seguridad y confianza para el cliente)
Nombre científico: cupressus sempervirens l.Común: ciprés común .Hasta los 30 m.
Crecimiento rápido en los primeros años.Como cortavientos. Puede vivir más de 500 años.
No hay que regar demasiado porque enferma.
Recién plantados deben regarse hasta que arraiguen.
Cuando son adultos no se deben regar, salvo que el verano sea muy seco.
- Microgranulated powder based on synthated iron, for the correction of iron deficiencies (chlorosis) in all types of crops.
- Enriched with nitrogen and potassium that, in addition to acting as nutrients, improve the assimilation of iron by the plant.
Plant height: 15 to 25 cm
Container: Cepellón
Its growth is very fast making it ideal for well-toned hedges.
This hybrid between a true cypress and a false cypress currently enjoys a lot of acceptance as a species for high seto and plant screen.
It grows up to 50 centimeters per year, is not pruned below and can be trimmed as much as we want.
- Cypresses are shipped without tray in boxes
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have an overs cost. Request a quote.
Plant height: 20 to 30 cm
Container: Cepellón
Tree of small size, does not exceed 12 m in height, and often has bushy size.
It is somewhat ungarated, polymorphic, un dense, when the flattened twigs are placed in vertical planes.
- Cypresses are shipped without tray in boxes
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have an overs cost. Request a quote.
Cipres leylandii 2001 from 35 to 50 cm or more in height.
Use especially for seto
Container: pot 9 cm
Height of the plant: from 15 to 25 cm approx.
Container: 12 cm diameter pot
Scientific name:pinus pinea. Common: pine pine, pine doncel. Slow growth of about 25m, with rounded or landscaped cup, much more beautiful than other pines, especially when it reaches maturity. It is characterized by its cracked bark and edible pine nuts. It is more elegant in individual specimens.
Plant height: 25 to 40 cm
Container: Cepellón
Scientific name: cupressus macrocarpa. Common:macrocarpa. Diameter: 4-4.50 m. Height: 15-20 m. It forms a widened top pyramid.
Intense green foliage. Appreciated for its resistance to the saltpeter and, therefore, widely used for the formation of hedges in coastal areas. (temperatures: -10/-15o).
- Cypresses are shipped without tray
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have a coast. Request a quote.
Height of the plant: from 30 to 40 cm approx.
Container: cepellón
Tree that reaches 22 m in height, light cup and with little foliage, with the trunk sometimes tortuous and the bark grey-silver. Fasciculated needles in groups of 2, thin, less than 1 mm thick, 6-10 cm long, light green. Conical pineapples, pedunculated, 6-12 cm long.