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copy of LAVANDULA (Maceta de 14cm de �)


Altura de la planta: de 10 a 25 cm

Contenedor: Maceta de 14 cm de Ø

Lavandula stoechas, llamado comúnmente cantueso o tomillo borriquero, es un arbusto ramoso, muy aromático, de hasta un metro de altura de la familia de las lamiáceas. Es una especie nativa de la Cuenca mediterránea y Macaronesia.



The plant grows easily in any temperate climate; reaches almost the meter in height. It can withstand the sun, although it prefers half shade, and is benefited by clay soil. It hybridizes easily with other mentha species, resulting in piperine and manzanera or mentastro

copy of Pack 9 pcs. OPTIMA TOMATE PLANTS


Fat salad tomato to box transplant calendar:cold areas: from April to July warm areas: from March to July. Hybrid of indeterminate bearing, with semi-dust plant. Fruit of a globose spherical shape, 180-200gr in weight, with green neck, very consistent. Good adaptation to outdoor crops and greenhouse.

copy of Pack 9 pcs. OPTIMA TOMATE PLANTS


Fat salad tomato to box transplant calendar:cold areas: from April to July warm areas: from March to July. Hybrid of indeterminate bearing, with semi-dust plant. Fruit of a globose spherical shape, 180-200gr in weight, with green neck, very consistent. Good adaptation to outdoor crops and greenhouse.

copy of Pack 9 pcs. OPTIMA TOMATE PLANTS


Fat salad tomato to box transplant calendar:cold areas: from April to July warm areas: from March to July. Hybrid of indeterminate bearing, with semi-dust plant. Fruit of a globose spherical shape, 180-200gr in weight, with green neck, very consistent. Good adaptation to outdoor crops and greenhouse.

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