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Bullet plant in 14 cm pot - oleander plants
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ADELFA (Nerium Oleander) Cepellón


Scientific name:nerium oleander. Common: oleander, baladre. Shrub that can reach up to 5 meters in height and that stays green 365 days a year. It can be cut as a seto or as a tree. Wild oleander is pink. Leaves, flowers, stems, branches and seeds are poisonous. It withstands prolonged periods of drought well. He prefers full sun.
They are sent out of the tray. Lying in boxes.



Plant height: 25 to 45 cm

Container: Cepellón.

Tree that can reach 20 m in size.

Common name: Arizona cypress.
Dark greyish brown colour.
They give off a strong scent. Fast growth.

- Cypresses are shipped without tray
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have a coast. Request a quote.

CASUARINA in Cepellón


Height between 15 and 25cm

They are shipped out of the tray lying in boxes.

Casuarinas are a genus of evergreen shrubs and trees represented by a fortnight of species - monoeic or dioetic - accepted, of about 35 described.

Its slender and delicate branches with whorls of unconspicuous squame leaves and their strobiloid infrutescences give them the appearance of pines, but, despite what it seems, they are not Gymnosperms but Angiosperms with very particular morphological characteristics and that, therefore, have their own family (Casuarinaceae).

CIPRES LEYLANDI, LEILANDI OR LEYLAND (Cupressus leylandii) cepellón


Plant height: 15 to 25 cm

Container: Cepellón

Its growth is very fast making it ideal for well-toned hedges.

This hybrid between a true cypress and a false cypress currently enjoys a lot of acceptance as a species for high seto and plant screen.

It grows up to 50 centimeters per year, is not pruned below and can be trimmed as much as we want.

- Cypresses are shipped without tray in boxes
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have an overs cost. Request a quote.

CIPRES SEMPERVIVENS 10-15 cm de altura


Altura de la planta: de 10 a 15 cm

Contenedor: Cepellón

Nombre científico: cupressus sempervirens l.Común: ciprés común .Hasta los 30 m.

Este tipo de ciprés es el más utilizado para vallar y para hacer setos.

Al crecer las ramas en vertical precisa menos poda.
Crecimiento rápido en los primeros años.Como cortavientos.

- Los cipreses se envian sin bandeja
- Se envian tumbados en cajas
- Si desea que se envien en bandeja tendrá un sobrecoste. Solicite presupuesto.

copy of CIPRES LEYLANDI, LEILANDI OR LEYLAND (Cupressus leylandii) cepellón


Plant height: 15 to 25 cm

Container: Cepellón

Its growth is very fast making it ideal for well-toned hedges.

This hybrid between a true cypress and a false cypress currently enjoys a lot of acceptance as a species for high seto and plant screen.

It grows up to 50 centimeters per year, is not pruned below and can be trimmed as much as we want.

- Cypresses are shipped without tray in boxes
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have an overs cost. Request a quote.

copy of LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM Aligustre for hedges


Plant height: MORE THAN 80CM

Container: Alveolo

Common name: somebody. Deciduous or sometimes evergreen shrub, 3 m high. Smelly white flowers. For hedges, such as terrace trees, entrances, etc. Sun and semi-ombra. It is not delicate for any kind of terrain. By seeds in spring or autumn; by cuttings in the fall.

They're shipped without a tray. Lying in boxes.

copy of PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA (Imperial Paulonia) KIRI in pot


Plant height: 80 cm approx.

Container: 14 cm pot Ø

Scientific name: paulownia tomentosa. Common name: paulonia, kiri. Medium-sized deciduous tree. Fastest growing in the world. Warm climates, fertile, sandy soil and plenty of water in summer. It is often used ornamentally, its forest use is based on its rapid growth.

copy of PAULOWNIA TOMENTOSA (Imperial Paulonia) KIRI in pot


Plant height: 80 cm approx.

Container: 14 cm pot Ø

Scientific name: paulownia tomentosa. Common name: paulonia, kiri. Medium-sized deciduous tree. Fastest growing in the world. Warm climates, fertile, sandy soil and plenty of water in summer. It is often used ornamentally, its forest use is based on its rapid growth.

LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM Aligustre for hedges


Plant height: MORE THAN 80CM

Container: Alveolo

Common name: somebody. Deciduous or sometimes evergreen shrub, 3 m high. Smelly white flowers. For hedges, such as terrace trees, entrances, etc. Sun and semi-ombra. It is not delicate for any kind of terrain. By seeds in spring or autumn; by cuttings in the fall.

They're shipped without a tray. Lying in boxes.



Plant height: 25 to 40 cm

Container: Cepellón

Scientific name: cupressus macrocarpa. Common:macrocarpa. Diameter: 4-4.50 m. Height: 15-20 m. It forms a widened top pyramid.

Intense green foliage. Appreciated for its resistance to the saltpeter and, therefore, widely used for the formation of hedges in coastal areas. (temperatures: -10/-15o).

- Cypresses are shipped without tray
- They are sent lying in boxes
- If you want them to be sent on a tray you will have a coast. Request a quote.

MYRTUS COMMUNIS (mirto) en maceta de 14 cm de �


El mirto, arrayán o murta (Myrtus communis) es una planta de la familia de las Myrtaceae.

Arbusto siempre verde y aromático de hasta 5 m de fuste, de follaje compacto. Las hojas son opuestas, coriáceas, cortamente pecioladas, de borde entero, ovales o lanceoladas, de color verde oscuro por el haz y más claro por el envés, con glándulas oleíferas transparentes en el limbo foliar. Flores blancas

Garden Shrubs

Garden shrubs are one of the specialties in which from Deitana Garden we are trained to fully satisfy the orders of our customers. We are producers of all kinds of plant species for both the orchard and the garden, fruity and decorative, and we do not stop working to incorporate into our inventory those species that may be most attractive and practical for our customers. From our website you can Buy Cheap Plants.

In this way, in our section of decorative shrubs and garden plants you will find many alternatives that will allow you to dress the exterior of your house with the vegetation whose aesthetic is most attractive to you, while still considering issues such as maintenance or conservation. We help you, if you need it, to know the plants that are most interesting to you and to make your choice.

Garden Plants

We sell the references that you will find in our catalog of garden plants by units and sometimes also in trays that allow you to obtain a good savings. Our flexibility in sales allows us to have customers of very diverse characteristics and offer satisfactory solutions for all of them.

Garden Plants - Garden Shrubs

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